Saturday, December 27, 2014

What's the BUZZZZZZ?

Honey bees are busy workers! 

 According to, these bees are responsible for pollinating one third of the worlds food supplies including: blueberries, melon, pears, apples, strawberries and tomatoes.  

Did you know?
  • The top producers for honey in the USA by rank are North Dakota, South Dakota, Florida and California.   
  • Honeybees enable the production of at least 90% of commercially grown food in North America
  • The color and flavor of honey is dependent on the source of the bee's nectar such as clover or orange blossoms. The darker the honey, the more robust the flavor. 
  • This summer,a federal task force was created to address the issue of rapidly declining honey bees since 1990's. 
  • One hive of bees must collect pollen from an estimated 2 million flowers to gather enough nectar to product one pound of honey.
  • Infants under one should not be given honey due to the possible presence of botulism spores.
  • Honey contains 64 calories per Tablespoon
  • Honey is 1.5 times sweeter than white sugar
           "The Dance of the Bees"

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

O Christmas tree, how healthy can you be?

Here are three different ideas for snack-appetizers to bring or make for a party or fix for your kids! When you choose to share your "eat healthier" goals, those around you will eat healthier too!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Fun fruit tray for sharing!

Apples, oranges and strawberries . . . Yummy!  bring a fun, fruit plate with you for a party or office break.  Be the role model for the "healthier you"!

Check out this site for fabulous pictures and ideas for healthy food recipes.  It is a real gem for inspiration