Honey bees are busy workers!
According to honeybeehaven.com, these bees are responsible for pollinating one third of the worlds food supplies including: blueberries, melon, pears, apples, strawberries and tomatoes.

Did you know?
- The top producers for honey in the USA by rank are North Dakota, South Dakota, Florida and California.
- Honeybees enable the production of at least 90% of commercially grown food in North America
- The color and flavor of honey is dependent on the source of the bee's nectar such as clover or orange blossoms. The darker the honey, the more robust the flavor.
- This summer,a federal task force was created to address the issue of rapidly declining honey bees since 1990's.
- One hive of bees must collect pollen from an estimated 2 million flowers to gather enough nectar to product one pound of honey.
- Infants under one should not be given honey due to the possible presence of botulism spores.
- Honey contains 64 calories per Tablespoon
- Honey is 1.5 times sweeter than white sugar